Saturday, January 3, 2009

WOW! The More U Use It--The Easier It Gets

I think I am almost getting the hang of this. Now I have 2 blogs going...I hope. Hey, MamaJD what do you say? It's pretty cool for an old broad, huh? My daughter is proud...Hope she checks this one out also.
Sent out my first New Year's Letter since I didn't send many cards this year. The Duke and I had a hard time tossing the coin to see which one we'd use. Then it was late when they arrived and also we were remodeling the kitchen and his bathroom. So we got behind and then it was oh, never mind.

That's one of my favorite phrases. It says so much and so little that you can never tell which way I mean it. Heck, most of the time, I don't know either.
It would be a good day for the Polar Bear Plunge. Everyone would have to stay in the water today. Dang, it's cold. Give me Costa Rica or Kauai right now.
The Duke says it's our turn to win the lottery so we can buy a 'little' place in Kauai. Now his idea of 'little' is just that--teeny-tiny. My idea of little is to have enough room to have everyone for Christmas and New Year's. Stayed tuned on the results of that.
Here's hoping the Canadian side of the family is keeping some sort of warm. I personally don't understand the term -33 Degrees C. I always was a bit slow in Math. Oh, spring can't be too far away.

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It's A Dogs' Life