Saturday, September 15, 2007

Round One

Oh, Happy Days...I just got through my first round of chemo and celebrated the next day with that huge birthday...the Three O. Now MamaJD did call and made mention of it being another year, but since she was out of town at a resort, I told her to go take a hike. A girl can only handle so much truth in a 24 hour period. Don' t you agree?

The chemo went well even though it was 6 hours, but snooze time was allowed and that passed quickly. The Duke amused himself with 'Ladies Home Journals'. He says now he knows every thing there is to know about waxing. Wait till the shock of chemo hits and no waxing will be necessary! I strongly suggested that he bring something else to read or at least go out for lunch. What a trooper he is. God has really blessed me.

This past couple of weeks we have found that there are some truly wonderful people in our community and we know a lot of them. The are the flower bringers, the handy man who cooks wonderful meals, the teddy bear senders and the house cleaners and last but not least the wood cutter. And to think that they are all friends. Our puppies were taken care of while we were in Pendleton for the Round-up on Tues. and Wed. Chewy went with the cook and 'Bear' and Chico stayed with his cousin Casey at my daughters. The cats stayed home and I think so did the skunk. We haven't seen much of Flower since she was house sitting that night, but there are telltale signs that she is still in the area. I have the seen Rocky Racoon a couple of times. Back to the Round-Up for a moment, if you haven't been down there, it is something to see. We attended the VFW's Cowboy breakfast on Wed. and they had the best pancakes. I am not too fond of them as general rule, but I ate 3 of them that day. They separate the eggs, whip the whites and fold them back in, add a touch of beer and my oh, my....the best. They say on a windy day they have trouble keeping them on the plate as they like to take flight. I was glad we were there on a calm morning.

Till next post..Ciao

1 comment:

Dimples said...

I adore your writing style & sense of humor. What a great attitude in general & your definite love of life with all it's quirks!


It's A Dogs' Life